4th International Blacksmith Gathering, Budapest
Festival of Folk Arts 17 to 20 August 2017

‘Forge welding or the enigma of Notre Dame’s Gates wrought iron band hinges’
The Association of Hungarian Folk Artists and the Hungarian Blacksmith Guild invites blacksmiths who are interested in forge welding and who are ready to deepen their knowledge in the field and share their know-how with their professional mates, to take part at an international blacksmith gathering.

It is the fourth time that the international blacksmith gathering is organized within the framework of the Festival of Folk Arts, one of the most outstanding folk art festivals of Europe that will have its 31st edition this year.

Forge welding, the theme of the meeting is a tribute to the 25th anniversary of the Guild. Among the traditional craft techniques of blacksmiths forged welding is of utmost importance. Due to the modern welding technique forged welding is slowly drown out of practice while it is so indispensable in creating artistic blacksmith work.

The Hungarian Blacksmith Guild has done much to keep alive the knowledge of forged welding among our members and colleagues. In this work we owe a lot to Walfrid Huber, our Austrian artist blacksmith colleague.

Walfrid Huber is the blacksmith workshop leader of the Mauerbach monument protection institute’s training center. Members of our Guild have often taken part in his courses in order to perfect their skills During the courses we got to know the different versions of forged welding including that special procedures of the welding that enabled blacksmiths to create such extremely complex structures like the wrought iron band hinges of the Notre Dame, Paris.

Our meeting would like to show to participants the upper level of the forge welding technique and we would also like to learn about the methods and experiences of our masters.

Terms and Conditions of Participation:
Participation fee is 100 Euro or 30 000 HUF that contains the cost of the accommodation and one hot meal per day and free entrance to the Festival of Folk Arts and to all the programs of the Festival.
The working language of the meeting will be Hungarian and English. We will try to provide suitable interpreters as soon as we have a list of participating masters.

If you are also interested, you may download the application form here

Please forward the filled out application form until the 30th of May, 2017 to the following address:
Takáts Zoltán 2097 Pilisborosjenő Szt. Donát u. 35. Hungary

Feel free to contact Zoltan for further details

More info about the Festival of Folk Arts

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